Magis - Puppy Accessory | Salvioni
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Suggested versions (2)

Puppy AccessoryClassic Puppy Accessory

Price starting from
€ 140,00

Puppy AccessoryVelvet Effect Puppy Accessory

Price starting from
€ 342,00

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Iridescent Blue
Iridescent Orange
Iridescent Yellow
Turquoise - Purple
Purple - Fuchsia
Fuchsia - Orange



Magis has always been a counter-current and ambitious company. From the name, a Latin adverb that means "more", Magis declares its will to go further: beyond the customs and commonplaces of the project, with a constant tension towards novelty; beyond technical barriers, through experimentation with new technologies; beyond the boundaries of the market, with a strong export vocation. That of Magis is a democratic and accessible design, which gets the best from a material with low prices like plastic. A vocation to inclusiveness that has led the brand to also develop the famous Me Too line, the only collection of furniture for children in which the products are not a simple reduction in scale of their traditional versions, they but are entirely designed from the outset “to child size".Read more

Designed by

Eero Aarnio

Eero Aarnio
Eero Aarnio (1932-) is one of the leading names in Finnish design history. Apostle of the Space Age style, Aarnio was one of the first designers to experiment in the 60s with an extensive use of plastic in the world of furniture. His creations, starting from the iconic Ball Chair that he designed in 1963 for the Asko brand and which recalls the shape of a space capsule, are pervaded by the optimistic spirit typical of that era and are based on futuristic organic shapes. Aarnio's style, in many ways in strong break with the consolidated tradition of Scandinavian design of his masters Antti Nurmesniemi and Ilmari Tapiovaara, however knew how to stay away from the easy consumerist and pop temptations often connected to the use of plastic: his furnishings were built to last for a long time, focusing on a high quality production invoice, and perhaps for this reason they have remained so impressed in the collective memory. His iconic Ball Chair, together with other notable works such as the playful Pastilli stool or the suspended Bubble Chair armchair, are now re-proposed by the Eero Aarnio Originals brand together with much of his production from the 1960s, the decade in which he contributed decisively to shape the aesthetics. In more recent years he has experienced a period of renewed success with some important collaborations, first of all the one with the Magis brand for which he has created in particular various furnishings for children part of the Me Too collection (one of which was also awarded the Compasso d'Oro in 2008). He has also worked with brands such as Artek, Vondom, Serralunga and Alessi.Read more