Established & Sons - Stack Night Storage Unit | Salvioni
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W.56,5 x D.61,5 x H.108 cm with n.08 Drawers
W.56,5 x D.61,5 x H.178 cm with n.13 Drawers


Blue Palette
Green Palette
Neutral Palette
Red Palette


Established & Sons
Established & Sons is a company born from the intention of creating a modern and trendy brand thanks to the contribution of young designers free to express their personal creative flair without limits or conceptual rigidity. The company's great ability consists precisely in making real the multitude of design ideas created to furnish the numerous rooms of the house and beyond. Light and usable, the line of each product easily fits into contexts of our time, from the most to the less formal, creating expressions of great emotion every time. The richness of the catalog also consists in experimentation, where a functional design is constantly combined with essential proposals full of a structural lightness that seems to wink at Nordic or Japanese style.Read more