B&B Italia - Tortello Armchair | Salvioni
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The colors displayed, for technical reasons, are indicative and may differ from the actual finish. The price may vary in relation to the category / finish chosen. Contact us to receive a personalized quotation.
Cat. A – Adria
Bianco 100Bianco 100
Antracite 153Antracite 153
Arancio 570Arancio 570
Grigio Acciaio 254Grigio Acciaio 254
Grigio Ferro 155Grigio Ferro 155
Grigio Scuro 255Grigio Scuro 255
Nocciola 371Nocciola 371
Tabacco 313Tabacco 313
Verde 400Verde 400
Verde Bosco 470Verde Bosco 470
Vinaccia 790Vinaccia 790

Cat. A – Asolo
Bianco 100Bianco 100
Marrone 300Marrone 300
Sabbia 203Sabbia 203
Senape 450Senape 450
Antracite 153Antracite 153
Arancio 570Arancio 570
Cipria 797Cipria 797
Ecrù 102Ecrù 102
Grigio 251Grigio 251
Sasso 258Sasso 258
Verde Salvia 440Verde Salvia 440

Cat. B – Bellano
Antracite 153Antracite 153
Avana 379Avana 379
Bianco 100Bianco 100
Rosso Nero 711Rosso Nero 711
Sabbia 203Sabbia 203
Timo 420Timo 420
Lavagna 111Lavagna 111
Nero 150Nero 150
Nocciola 371Nocciola 371
Verde Nero 411Verde Nero 411
Verde Scuro 440Verde Scuro 440

Cat. Extra – Elettra
Antracite 153Antracite 153
Ecrù 102Ecrù 102
Grigio 251Grigio 251
Grigio Perla 253Grigio Perla 253
Senape 450Senape 450
Testa di Moro 350Testa di Moro 350
Verde 400Verde 400

Cat. Extra – Ellade
Bianco 100Bianco 100
Corda 207Corda 207
Ecrù 102Ecrù 102
Grigio 251Grigio 251

Cat. Extra – Emily
Blu Notte 888Blu Notte 888
Nero 150Nero 150
Verdone 444Verdone 444
Castagna 375Castagna 375
Grigio 251Grigio 251
Nocciola 371Nocciola 371
Tabacco 313Tabacco 313
Viola 601Viola 601

Cat. Extra – Esopo
Ghiaccio 101Ghiaccio 101
Verde 400Verde 400
Antracite 153Antracite 153
Beola 112Beola 112
Grigio Chiaro 151Grigio Chiaro 151
Grigio Ferro 255Grigio Ferro 255
Sasso 258Sasso 258
Verde Oliva 435Verde Oliva 435
Vinaccia 790Vinaccia 790

Cat. Lusso – Licata
Antracite 153Antracite 153
Blu 800Blu 800
Blu Cobalto 888Blu Cobalto 888
Bordeaux 750Bordeaux 750
Castagna 375Castagna 375
Castoro 340Castoro 340
Grigio Ferro 255Grigio Ferro 255
Lichene 410Lichene 410
Mattone 370Mattone 370
Naturale 102Naturale 102
Sabbia 203Sabbia 203
Sasso 258Sasso 258
Terracotta 333Terracotta 333
Verde Bosco 470Verde Bosco 470
Viola 601Viola 601

Cat. Lusso – Lodi
Bianco 100Bianco 100
Bruciato 377Bruciato 377
Cipria 797Cipria 797
Corda 207Corda 207
Grigio 251Grigio 251
Grigio Chiaro 151Grigio Chiaro 151
Grigio Scuro 255Grigio Scuro 255
Peltro 257Peltro 257
Prugna 680Prugna 680
Senape 450Senape 450
Verde Salvia 431Verde Salvia 431
Petrolio 420Petrolio 420
Blu Avio 830Blu Avio 830

Cat. Lusso – Lube
Ardesia 270Ardesia 270
Beola 112Beola 112
Ghiaccio 101Ghiaccio 101
Nero 150Nero 150

Cat. Super – Sapri
Bianco 100Bianco 100
Grigio Ferro 255Grigio Ferro 255
Grigio Fumo 155Grigio Fumo 155
Vinaccia 790Vinaccia 790
Beola 112Beola 112
Blu Avio 830Blu Avio 830
Ecrù 102Ecrù 102
Grigio 251Grigio 251
Grigio Cenere 151Grigio Cenere 151
Nocciola 371Nocciola 371
Sasso 258Sasso 258
Ardesia 270Ardesia 270

Cat. Super – Sarabi
Antracite 153Antracite 153
Beige 200Beige 200
Bianco 100Bianco 100
Marrone 300Marrone 300
Rosso Carminio 701Rosso Carminio 701
Grigio 251Grigio 251
Verde Oliva 435Verde Oliva 435
Zafferano 573Zafferano 573

Cat. Super – Sidro
Ecrù 102Ecrù 102
Antracite 153Antracite 153
Bianco 100Bianco 100
Mattone 370Mattone 370
Nero 150Nero 150
Petrolio 420Petrolio 420
Rosso 700Rosso 700
Rosso Porpora 777Rosso Porpora 777
Verde Prato 430Verde Prato 430

Cat. Super – Sirio
Verde Smeraldo 444Verde Smeraldo 444
Antracite 153Antracite 153
Artico 860Artico 860
Blu Abisso 880Blu Abisso 880
Cipria 797Cipria 797
Ecrù 102Ecrù 102
Lampone 755Lampone 755
Nero 150Nero 150
Pistacchio 403Pistacchio 403
Salmone 793Salmone 793
Sasso 258Sasso 258
Tortora 730Tortora 730
Verde 400Verde 400
Vinaccia 790Vinaccia 790
Zafferano 573Zafferano 573

Cat. Super – Soara
Nero 150Nero 150
Petrolio 420Petrolio 420
Rosso 700Rosso 700
Sole 505Sole 505
Verde Smeraldo 400Verde Smeraldo 400

Cat. Super – Soara Rigato
Beige Petrolio Rigato 140Beige Petrolio Rigato 140
Beige Arancio Rigato 170Beige Arancio Rigato 170

Cat. Super – Susa
Bianco 100Bianco 100
Ghiaccio 101Ghiaccio 101
Ardesia 270Ardesia 270
Grigio Chiaro 151Grigio Chiaro 151
Lino 207Lino 207
Nero 150Nero 150



B&B Italia
B&B Italia's strongest ability is to combine creative ideas with design skills, which over the years have led the company to win four Golden Compasses. B&B Italia’s fulcrum is the Research and Development Centre (CR&S), a research laboratory dedicated to the study of the most innovative materials and the industrialization of production processes. The purpose of CR&S is to give life to the most groundbreaking projects of some of the major international designers. Founded in the late 60's by Piero Ambrogio Busnelli and Cesare Cassina with the name of C&B Italia, the company has disrupted the furnishing industry's rules with a revolutionary industry vision. The ability to turn traditional furnishings production into industrial designs proves today, like yesterday, the strength of the company.Read more

Designed by

Barber Osgerby

Barber Osgerby
Edward Barber (1969-) and Jay Osgerby (1969-) are the founders of the Barber Osgerby studio, one of the most important names in contemporary British design. They met while studying at the Royal College of Art in London and shared their entire career together, which began in 1996 with the creation of a table for the famous London brand Isokon. Their style, of a refined minimalism often tempered by soft curved lines, was soon noticed by the most fruitful talent scout in the world of international design, Giulio Cappellini. Their creations for Cappellini will open the doors of great Italian and international industry to them, with collaborations with brands such as B&B Italia, Vitra, AXOR, Dedon and many others. Their prominent position in the world of British design is evidenced by the most important public project assigned to them: the Olympic Torch for the London 2012 Games. Their creations are part of the collections of important museums such as the Victoria & Albert Museum in London, the MoMA in New York and the Art Institute in Chicago.Read more