Matali Crasset
Matali Crasset (1965-) is a multifaceted French designer with a highly experimental style. Trained in the studios of the Italian Denis Santachiara and the French Philippe Starck, she began her career in 1993 at the helm of the design center of the French multinational electronics company Thomson, for which she designed radios, projectors and other technological equipment, always under the supervision of Starck. In 1998 she opened her own studio in Paris where she ranges from the design of everyday objects for brands such as Alessi, Alfi and Danese Milano to the creation of theatrical sets and interior architecture. Reluctant to approach the furniture sector in a traditional way, she instead finds her own personal style in the reinterpretation of traditional models through extremely imaginative transformable furniture: a journey that began in 1998 with the award-winning folding bed “Quand Jim monte à Paris”, produced by the French brand Domeau & Pérès, and continued through a long collaboration with the Italian company Campeggi, an undisputed specialist in transformable furniture. She has also worked in the past with brands such as Fabbian, Plust, Fermob and Edra.