Design Wardrobes | The best brands to furnish a luxury home - Salvioni
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Design Wardrobes | The best brands to furnish a luxury home

Furnishing a home is often a matter of choice. Once the spaces have been selected, the measurements divided, the light points and the shadow areas identified, all that remains is to isolate the furniture most suited to the context, deciding for each one the finishes, colors, dimensions and above all the function.

For the bedroom, the age-old question mainly concerns two furnishing elements, absolute protagonists of these spaces as well as indispensable companions of the day and night: The bed, as we well know, improves the quality of our rest, welcoming the body and guaranteeing us a pleasant awakening.

The wardrobe, on the other hand, has a more transversal role, because in addition to performing the function of a wardrobe, it is suitable for containing numerous other objects of daily use such as shoes, perfumes, bags and an infinite range of objects that one prefers to keep closed. It follows that the choice of the wardrobe has a considerable weight as it must be configured based on the needs of those who will use it and obviously lend itself to them, guaranteeing comfort, durability and versatility in the event that its function varies over time.

To guarantee this performance, it is essential to know the best proposals on the market, as well as the design brands that have been able to interpret the tastes and needs of our time with greater skill by creating modern wardrobes, with an attractive taste and above all capable of withstanding prolonged use.

We have selected a top chart of the best international design brands, taking into consideration those that stand out the most in the production of luxury wardrobes, beautiful not only aesthetically but also denoted by characteristics of evident and undeniable quality. This short list aims to highlight the strengths of each, making it easier to navigate among the numerous furnishing proposals on the market.

  • Poliform
  • Molteni&C
  • Lema
  • Porro
  • Rimadesio


Poliform produces fully customizable wardrobes and walk-in closet, where versatility and the possibility of creating systems that integrate different functions according to needs come first. The use of ennobled wood as a characterizing part of the entire structure merges with the creation of numerous materials including leather, glass and different metals used for edges, bands, sides and frames. The company has concentrated on the production of extremely distinctive models, to carry on a solid production line recognizable throughout the world.

Poliform Wardrobes


The wardrobes by Molteni&C are distinguished by an extremely refined and elegant design, where the focus is on the materials and the selection of distinctive features that set them apart from others on the market. A unique element is the internal aluminum base, which is higher than others, elevating the overall structure. Among the many catalog offerings, the quality of the finishes and doors stands out, available on models artfully designed by top-tier designers to add a more personal touch. The wardrobe options are also noteworthy, featuring glass and leather elements to make the compositions more sophisticated and three-dimensional. The Molteni&C line thrives under the artistic direction of Vincent Van Duysen, an art director who has superbly aligned his style with the company, enriching the catalog offerings with exquisite details.


Historically, Lema is known for its “armadio al centimetro,” a unique production feature that allowed the company to create fully customized wardrobes, adjustable down to the centimeter, so they could fit into any room without wasting space or creating unnecessary excess. Today, Lema offers a catalog with a wide selection of decorative doors designed by Cairoli & Donzelli, David Lopez Quincoces, Piero Lissoni, and Steve Leung, where one can find unique and highly distinctive models. The price-to-quality ratio is also highly compelling, ensuring top-level products at accessible prices.


A distinctive feature of the company Porro is its ability to offer an industrial product like the wardrobe while preserving many of the specific qualities often sought in artisanal woodworking. Porro also offers a highly comprehensive and diverse selection of wood finishes, ideal for those who wish to customize systems and wardrobes in every aspect, including the interiors, creating more cohesive environments where different furnishings complement each other. The Porro wardrobe range includes “special” categories, where both the exterior and interior can be fully customized, resulting in an inimitable product. Porro offers a range of hinged, sliding, or flush wardrobes that are fully customizable and meticulously crafted in every detail, primarily the result of Piero Lissoni’s creative genius.


Rimadesio was the first company to introduce glass aesthetics into the high-end market by applying it to wardrobes, replacing the traditional wooden doors with glass panels. The result was a unique and innovative piece that revealed what is usually concealed. Over time, this initial wardrobe model was joined by many others, created with the contribution of Giuseppe Bavuso, which incorporate not only glass but also a variety of other premium finishes, showcasing the company’s exceptional expertise in this field. Also renowned for its self-supporting wardrobe, the famous Cover model, Rimadesio offers unique solutions for niches and unconventional spaces. Additionally, they present highly customizable walk-in closets, allowing for a cohesive total look in every component.